How to Get the Most Out of Your Workouts

June 4, 2024
Photo of Hadlee
Written by Happy Healthy Hadlee

What is the habit of Breath Body Practice? Learn why it's important for everyone, and how to incorporate it in your own life through habit change strategy.

One of the habits I help my Happy Healthy Habits course members implement in their lives is, of course, movement.

One of my teachers, Cate Stillman of Yogahealer, calls it Breath-Body Practice instead of ‘exercise’ or ‘working out’ because it’s about connecting our breath with our bodies and honoring our need for movement, rather than subjecting ourselves to unembodied physical activity because we ‘should.’

In today’s culture, so many of us are pushing ourselves nonstop, working long hours and then decompressing with TV, social media, video games, etc. Our minds are on high alert all the time, and we’re totally disconnected from our bodies.

This disconnect from our bodies results in all sorts of health challenges, including autoimmune issues, chronic diseases, brain fog, exhaustion, and even a psychologically dysfunctional relationship with food, with exercise, with our bodies in general. Instead of tuning into what our bodies really want and need in order to make choices throughout our days, we’re relying on external sources to tell us what to do.

One way to create more connection with our bodies is to move first thing in the morning, and do it in a way that respects how our bodies actually want to move.

Starting the day by taking time to connect breath and body through movement can make such a difference in the quality of the rest of the day. It makes us more likely to ask ourselves what choices will make us feel good. It makes us much more apt to move our bodies the rest of the day, whether that’s getting up from the desk and taking a lap around the office, pausing for a one minute dance party, or stretching while waiting for the bus. It makes us more present to our days, more likely to enjoy the little pleasures of life.

In order to get the most bang for your buck, you want to pay attention to your breath while you’re moving. You’ll be amazed by how much more connected you’ll start to feel to your body once you start noticing your breath! That’s not to say you can’t listen to music or a podcast, or use a workout video, but I would suggest doing part of your movement practice in silence to focus on the breath, even if it’s only one minute.

Check out the video to learn more about this habit of movement, why it’s important, and how to incorporate it in your own life!

Then let me know: what are ways that you (re)connect with your mind and body?

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