Creating Consistency: Hadlee as a Podcast Guest

May 17, 2024
Photo of Hadlee
Written by Happy Healthy Hadlee

Happy Healthy Hadlee on the Arista Wealth Podcast with Paul Moffat

Want to learn how to make health easier?

Tune in for this bite-sized podcast episode with Paul Moffat of the Arista Wealth Podcast.

Some of the questions we tackle:

  • Why is it so hard to implement healthy habits?
  • What mental patterns most commonly get in the way?
  • How do we increase happiness in our day-to-day lives?
  • How do we automate health habits?

We discuss the subconscious vs. the conscious mind, and how to train our brains to experience the kind of thoughts we want to be having, and ultimately the life we want to have!

We talk about how to make habits consistent. The goal is not the one-time practice (like exercise, meditation, journaling, eating a certain way, etc.). Instead, the goal is becoming the kind of person who does the practice every day: it’s becoming a runner, a meditator, a person who’s in touch with their body’s needs, etc.

And lastly, I shared some tips for navigating the holidays, though they can be used really any time of year for any special occasion. 🙂

Listen here, and then let me know what you think! And if you want to dive even deeper into habit change science and learn all the secrets I teach my clients for how to make habits stick, get the Habit Change Master Class here!

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